Part 51: Mission 21 - Welcome Home ~ Friends - Part 1
And we are officially through that huge route split (thank god). We lost Kazuki, though, so thats less than ideal. Today, only Lockon is deploying as an event unit, but he doesnt have to be flying solo, so were keeping everything as it was:
Zhang Fei/Tsubasa
Sun Quan/Shangxiang
Eida/Guan Yu
Liu Bei/Rennie
Aesap/Cao Cao
Tactician: Zhuge Liang
Grab a seat, folks, because theres much to do today.
We open up at the Federations Moldova base, where Kariyas submarine has just docked and she reports to Mitsuhiro that shes brought the Nothung Model and its pilot. He praises her good work and adds that theyll transplant its core into the Salvator Model right away. Until thats done, though, he wants her and the rest of her team to stay in the sub.Huh? Why arent they being given permission to enter the Moldova Base? The truth is, as Mitsuhiro tells Kariya, that the base is currently seeing some strange issues going on at the topside facilities. Depending on how things turn out, they may be forced to abandon the place.
Whatever could have happened?
Thats what Allelujah and Soma are trying to figure out. Close to the spot where the solar energy transformer disappeared, they find a collapsed mook. Is he alright? Can he tell them whats up? No, he cant, as his body starts turning metallic!
He mutters something about machines attacking, but nothing makes sense. Soma, meanwhile, hears a voice echoing through her head Quantum Brainwaves? She doesnt think so. However, her train of thought is interrupted when an empty truck starts coming their way at full speed! Soma and Allelujah dodge, but a bunch more stuff is headed their way. Seems like this is what the mook meant about machines attacking.
Allelujah doesnt know whats going on, but his more unhinged split-personality, Hallelujah, does: the machines are being attracted by Somas Quantum Brainwaves. With no time to hang around, Hallelujah tags in to deal with the situation.
And, indeed, his own Quantum Brainwaves are attracting the machines as well. Soma isnt too happy to see him, but the three of them can talk things out later they need to flee into the base.

: The Federations Moldova Base
? Thats where Kazukis at?

: Hmhmm, we ran the numbers on their projected course and thats looking like a pretty sure bet.

: So hes been taken prisoner by the Federation?
Door opens.*

: Who knows? He could also be willingly helping them out.

: Mr. Mizoguchi
I didnt expect to see you here.

: Makabes orders. I came over as fast as I could, but that was obviously not fast enough.

: Tsk, getting played like a damn fiddle by that little spygirl was bad enough...

: But that aint got nothing on Kazuki bailing on us. He was our best prospect out of all the Fafner pilots.

: And thats the problem! Kazuki ran away because he couldnt stand everyone looking at him that way!

: Maya

: He didnt want to be a tool of war, or a pilot
All he wanted was for someone to remember who he was before he started flying the Fafner

: But none of you
none of you ever stopped to ask how he felt about anything!

: Kch
How can all of you be so selfish?! How can you talk about him like that?!

Location: Federation Moldova Base Cell

: Its been a long time, hasnt it, Kazuki Makabe?

: Youre
Mr. Hino?

: Yes, Michio told me that you were the pilot of the captured Fafner. I confess I was very surprised.

: Were already getting the paperwork sorted out and will have you out this cell soon enough. Just be patient for a bit longer, yes?


: What
What are you going to do with me?

: Well, what is it that you want to do?

: Huh

: Im a scientist, so my goal is to build the best weapons I can for the men and women wholl be fighting out there.

: But I dont do that to maximize the kill tally. Rather, its just to get as many pilots back safely as possible.

: And you couldnt do that kind of research back at Tatsumiya?

: Correct, and thats why I left. You also felt like you had to leave, no?

: I
I just wanted to figure out what I really should be fighting for

: The longer I stayed there, the more I felt myself slipping away

: In that case, why not come with me?

: Huh
? Are you asking me to help with your research?

: Hm. If you do, I might just be able to show you a different way than one of combat.

: A different way

: We managed to sneak into the base thanks to Hallelujahs help, but

: Humans turning into metal, driverless trucks chasing us around
Just what is going on here

: Hold on, someones coming. Hide!

: This is the Mark Elf
but it is not us. (

: It is not us, no. It is in front of us. (

: (What are they talking about

: We will diverge here. We will have me take action

: (H-He disappeared

: (Those two
theyre not human?!)

: We will have me take action as well

: Hold on, if you would.


: The core of the Mark Elf is a fragment of the Mir that came active at the Machine Island two hundred years ago.

: Mir, that which once sunk mankind into the depths of despair
is now mankinds only hope.

: We are having me agree with you.

: Agreeing with someone doesnt equal comprehending someone, though.

: Do you understand why I havent told Mitsuhiro about you two being here?

: One part knows, another does not. Diverging possibilities result in human individuality.

: The opposite is also true. I, as an individual,
chose to diverge towards a different possibility than Mitsuhiros.

: And that makes you Festum so interested in understanding us, humans.

: (Did he say Festum?! That woman

: And you had yourself side with me.

: Not quite. Im just following the dying will of Akane Makabe
the woman you once assimilated.

: Akane Makabe is no more.

: How about we make sure? Id like you to meet with Kazuki Makabe. Perhaps that might actually mark the start of a new divergence? One the likes never before seen by either humanity or the Festum


: Nobody move.

: ?! Youre

: Allelujah Haptism, of the Celestial Being.

: Soma Peries, also of the Celestial Being.

: Oh, the Gundam Meisters

: Ive some questions to ask you about this base and this woman
Powering up!*

: Hmm, our theory was right. Weve only just set in the Mark Elfs core and were already seeing a tremendous increase in the power-gain.

: What unit is this

: The Fafner Salvator Model, Mark Sein

: Mark Sein

: It means to be. Its proof that we, humans, are here.


: And youve been researching the Festum in order to finish this unit?

: Not just the Festum. Ive gathered and researched anything that showed promise.

: Its for that reason that I had my men recover a fragment from the exploration vessel Europa.

: A fragment...?

: I theorized that it would have an alien organism within.

: And I was right. The strange phenomena you encountered topside? Id wager the fragment is the cause

: ?! Is that all you have to say
?! Look at how many people died because of your research on that thing!

: Are you telling me this mech was
so crucial that youd do something as thoughtless as that?!

: Thats right. But the Mark Seins now complete, so this basell have served its purpose

: All that remains is Kazuki Makabe

: We are not willing to allow me to meet Kazuki Makabe.

: What

: Wh-Whats going on...?!

: Alert! Alert! Were under attack by the Festum!

: Detecting several Alhenteris and Grendel-types materializing! All personnel are to evacuate into the shelters immediately!

: The Festum

: Our preferred divergence has initialized its action.

: But why?! Does your Mir reject our Mir?!

: We have no such concepts as acceptance or rejection.

: We will revert the universe to nothingness, and in doing so, move ourselves to a higher dimension.

: Revert the universe to nothingness?! Thats what you Festum are after?!


: Sorry, Allelujah. But it looks like my plan has ended in failure

: Mr. Hino

: But we cannot allow the Mark Sein the savior of mankind to be lost here.

: Theres a boy held prisoner inside this base. If I might make a request, Id like you to break him out.
Location: Federation Moldova Base Submarine

: We cant get in touch with the lab?!

: Impossible
! Yoji, are you seriously turning on us

: (Dads turned traitor

: Dr. Bartland, whats the meaning of this?!

: The Festum are attacking; I believe they noticed what were after. Were going to abandon the base!

: Abandon?! But what about the Salvator Model?!

: Were already assembling all research data. All wed need is a new core and we could build another one straight away.

: And when we do, itll be strong enough to wipe out the Festum.

: Start flooding the dock! Prepare for emergency departure!

: Hey, hold on! My dad and Kazuki are still!


: Dont move!

: ?! Yukippe, you

: Do as she says, please. Id rather not have to kill you too.

: Indeed, you and Canon will have much to do to help us secure a new core

: Hrm


: Huh? Is there no one out there?!

: Ooh, whats going on now?! Didnt that guy say we were going to get out of this cell?!

: Kazuki
? You there, are you Kazuki Makabe?!

: Wh-Who are

: Get back! Were going to blow up the door!

: *cough, cough*
! Ah
! They did it, Kazuki! The doors open!

: Youre
Cham, right? The Mi Ferario?

: You know me?

: Oh, whats this
? Its like therere two different Auras coming from each of you


: Just who are you two?

: Were friends with Setsuna and Lockon. You know them, right?

: ! Then youre with the Celestial Being

: Right. Yoji Hino asked us to come and rescue you.

: Mr. Hino
? What about him? Whats he going to do?!

: Thats
Cut to JUDA, Ogawa says an emergency transmission just came in for the UX from the Federations Moldovan base: Order UX-E9
commissioned by Allelujah Haptism. That means Emergency Level 9, meaning its a top priority request for the UX.
Lockon doesnt know why Allelujahs sending a request for us
but it turns out its from Hino. Mizoguchi and Toumi are very surprised to see him, and their being here simplifies things. Hino introduces himself as a former ALVIS scientist Allelujah passed him this code. So, what does he need?
I dont think this base will be around for much longer. So Id like to request that you come here and save both Kazuki Makabe and the Fafner Salvator Model, he says. Thats quite the request considering it was Hinos people who took Kazuki in the first place. Moreover, since this is a request for the UX, what would our compensation be, Richard asks.
The future of all mankind Hino declares, and that gets Richards attention. Ive confidence that your group and Kazuki will be capable of making good use of the Mark Sein. And, in doing so, youll create a brand new divergence one thatll bring about the future of mankind.
With precious little time remaining, he really hopes well take his request
and the comm drops.

: I suppose this is it


: What is it? Why arent you leaving?

: We will be here soon. You are alone.

: Are you concerned for my life?

: Li-fe

: Hah, I see
Youve also opened the door. Im glad to see that


: Listen to me, person who once called herself Akane Makabe. I want you to deliver this unit to the ALVIS boy.

: We will not allow me to meet with Kazuki Makabe.

: Then just give him the Mark Sein. I ask that you do this so Akane Makabes enduring wish passes on to him


: Thank you

: A new hope will sprout with destruction as its seedbed. Forgive me, Michio

(on the comm): Yoji made a request of the UX?!

: Yeah, and apparently he blew himself up to try and take the Festum along with him.

: God

: Minashiro, we have to go and save Kazuki! Youve got a plan, right?!

: No, its impossible
We could deploy right now and we would never get there in time.

: Maybe not. If we use the Quarters Fold System, we could get halfway around the planet in one second.


: The Elshank is also capable of travelling through wormholes. So if we deploy immediately

: B-But

: Why are you even thinking twice about this?!

: Shouko
she didnt hesitate for a second when it was time to set out and fight for Kazuki for us didnt she?!


: Im certain that what Kazuki sought was not mainly to flee from battle. Rather, he simply needed time to find himself.

: So we need to go and pick him up. Here, with us, is where he belongs

: Y-You

: Besides, the guy said the payment for this gig would be the future of all mankind. Not the kind of stuff you can pass on, right?

: But well need your strength if were gonna do this, Soushi. Will you come with us


: But I

: Im sure youre the one Kazuki really wants to come get him.

: So when hes back with us, I want you to look him right in the eye and say
Mission 21 Welcome Home ~ Friends

: ! Something exploded in the underground

: Do you think that was Mr. Hino

: Hrm
! Its that voice again
The GN-X III sets forward!*

: I-Its coming this way!

: Is it going after Marie like that truck did

: Its too fast! We cant get away!

SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: Gundam Zabanya, Lockon Stratos! Not sure whats going on here but thats the target sniped down!

: Lockon!

: Kazuki, are you okay?!

: Toumi

: And weve brought you guys a new mech: the Gundam Harute.

: Afraid hearing about your trips gonna have to wait, though. Hop aboard, you two!


: Im dragging you into another battle
Im sorry, Marie.

: Its all right. It wouldnt be right for me to run off alone, especially since Im their target.

: Well fight them together, Allelujah!

: Thank you, Marie!

: Kazuki, Im sending you the coordinates Hino marked. The Mark Sein should be there, so hurry!

: O-Okay!


: Huh
.?! There it is again, just like in that last fight! Im hearing a voice calling out to something!

: I cant tell you much, but I do know that its not people controlling those units.

: Its likely those were hijacked by something like an alien organism.

: An a-alien organism

: And theyre the ones drawing the Festum over

: Engaging Federation units will very likely come back to haunt us later
but I suppose thats neither here nor there at the moment.

: Troops, engage and destroy the Festum and the Federation units with due haste!

: Roger that! Gundam Harute, Allelujah Haptism!

: Soma Peries!

: Moving to engage!
Kill everyone, dont lose your ships. Pretty much a rehash of the previous mission, only with jacked GN-Xs thrown in the middle. Standard Festum tactics apply, so carry on as usual of note, the base structures will provide 10% evasion bonus, so thats something to offset their Mind Read.

Gundam Harute (Allelujah Haptism/Soma Peries)
Pilot Skills:
Super Soldier (超兵) activates at 130 morale, granting an accuracy and mobility bonus that increases in proportion to morale. +5% at 130, with added increments of 5 until +25% at 170.
Support Attack L2
Support Defense L1
All Attack
Spirit Commands Allelujah:
Spirit Commands Soma:
Attune (感応) casts Strike on target ally.
Mech Features:
GN Field
GN Drive
Squad Bonus: Mobility +5, EN +50 (Mobility +20, EN +100, Movement +2)
Allelujahs voice actor: Hiroyuki Yoshino (other roles: Hazar in SRW Alpha 3, Sofiro in Rinne no Lagrange, Yuto in Inazuma Eleven and many more)
Somas voice actress: Arisa Ogasawara (other roles: Holly in Heroman, the Haros in 00 Gundam, Panty in Panty & Stocking and a few more)
And heres, IMO, the second best 00 Gundam. Allelujahs meant to go zipping across the battlefield and start cutting stuff, but the Harute opted to play it safe and get an even split of long and short-range weapons. Still pretty powerful and survivable, and he makes a good fit for pretty much any Real.
Not too sturdy, even with that GN Field, but thats only a problem if stuff manage to get a hit in and thats not very likely with Allelujahs good evading skills, Super Soldier and Somas added spirits.
The Harute may not measure up to top tier units, but its right there with Graham as a squaddie you can easily switch to the front whenever. If anything, his Squad Bonus and Accelerate are very welcome.

Oh, and Lockons new Zabanya is a straight upgrade to the Dynames with more of everything: more guns, more damage, more Haros!

: Oookay, time for the Zabanya to step into the limelight.

: There isnt anything I cant snipe down with this baby!

: Go, Lockon!

: Go, Lockon!
Damn it, Luna!
SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD


: Huh
What is it?! If y o u v e got something to say, then say it loud and clear!
SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: (Im glad youre safe, Kazuki

: (But what am I supposed to say to him if he comes back now
SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: I dont know if the answer we found through our journey is the right one, but

: Yes, they need our help right now. So lets go, Allelujah!
SRW UX - Life Goes On

: Hold on, Kazuki! Were coming to pick you up!
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: Chams still with Kazuki
Tsk, Ill give her a big talking-to once shes back!
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend


: What sensation is this
? Is that a voice I hear
? No, its
SRW UX - My Fate


: What are these things?!

: No idea. But Im feeling something like a voice coming from that machine!
SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter


: Somethings echoing through my mind
I knew it. Its the exact same thing I felt from that fragment!
And when all GN-Xs are dead

: The voice stopped

: Yeah, youre right. I dont hear it anymore!


: (Again, just like the previous battle
If Im right, then the alien organism Allelujah spoke of is
And when turn 3 rolls over, or you down three Festum teams


: Whats that guy doing in a place like that

: Huh? Do you think hes one of the bases personnel

: We have learned all we needed of this place.

: We will use me to eliminate all that is not us.

: Aack! H-He transformed?!

: He looks like

: Are you there

: A Festum

: This should be the place Mr. Hino said, but

: Look, Kazuki! Theres someone there!

: ?! It
It cant be
! Thats


: M-Mom

: Yoji Hino has asked me to deliver the Mark Sein to you.

: The Mark Sein
He did?!

: We will not allow me to diverge any more.

: Mom, wait! Its you, isnt it?!

: No, Kazuki
I dont think thats a person

: Huh

: Akane Makabe is no more. I am what you call a Festum.


: I am giving Mirs vessel to you, child of ALVIS.

: Board it. I am leaving.

: Sh-She disappeared

: Mom, why

: Gwaaaaaargh! Goddamn, that guys

: Hes on a completely different level from the other Festum weve seen

: Do you think hes their leader?!

: Everyone focus all your fire on that big Festum! Were going straight for the jugular!

: Y-Yes, sir!